Quotation Explorer - 'Being What'

One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself. - Shannon L. Alder
Despite being what would now be called a deprived child in a one parent family, I did not grow up with an urge to smash windows or to bash old ladies over the head in order to steal handbags. - Eva Hart
Desires to which we cling closely can easily prevent us from being what we ought to be and can be; and on the other hand, desires repeatedly mastered for the sake of present duty make us richer.Lack of desire is poverty. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I needed to stop being what everyone thought I was. - Sarah Addison Allen
Five years back, I dreamed of me being what I am today.Five years later, I dream of me being what I am in future.Now, is the true version of me between my history and mystery.... - Rateb Rayyes
Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge. - Paul Gauguin
Contrary to popular belief, some animals would not have each chosen to be a human being, if they were given the choice between being what they are and being human. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day. - Richard G. Scott
The Church being what she is cannot have the instincts of a gentleman. - George Everett Macdonald
I can't tell you why I was in love with her. People didn't require that much as they do now. Folks were expected to be civilized to one another, honest, and - and clear. You relied on people being what they said they were, because there was no other way to survive. - Toni Morrison
Augustine taught that true freedom is not choice or lack of constraint, but being what you are meant to be. Humans were created in the image of God. True freedom, then, is not found in moving away from that image but only in living it out. - Augustine of Hippo
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